‘D’ District Ram Sale – Aged & Shearling Rams
08 : 10 : 19
Venue: St Johns Chapel
Judges: Aged Rams: S Taylor, Sheffield, Large Breeders: Martin Wilson & Jack Wade, Small Breeders: Matthew Emmott & Joseph Capstick, Conformation: Mr Shirt, Derbyshire
Aged Rams
Placing | Exhibitor | Lot Number |
1st | T Hall & Sons | F |
2nd | R Peirson | G |
3rd | W Tait & Sons | A |
4th | JA Wilkinson | D |
Shearling Ram - Large Breeder
Placing | Exhibitor | Lot Number |
1st | K&HA Ridley | 317 |
2nd | W Watson | 157 |
3rd | M Lee | 270 |
4th | Weardale Estates | 69 |
5th | JC Archer | 310 |
6th | S&K Emmott | 239 |
Shearling Ram - Small Breeder
Placing | Exhibitor | Lot Number |
1st | CA Ridley | 322 |
2nd | M&R Pattinson | 130 |
3rd | A Peart & Son | 283 |
4th | M&R Pattinson | 129 |
5th | PJ Smith | 269 |
6th | B&E Collingwood | 261 |
Placing | Exhibitor | Lot Number |
1st | M Lee | 273 |
2nd | J Pritchard | 138 |
3rd | J Pritchard | 140 |
4th | W Parker | 44 |
5th | JL Archer | 307 |
6th | JA&CM Dalton | 194 |
Best Group of 3 Shearling Rams
Placing | Exhibitor |
1st | M Lee |
2nd | W Watson |
3rd | JR Dalton |
Swaledale Champions
Category | Exhibitor | Animal |
Supreme Champion | K&HA Ridley | 1st Shearling Ram (LB) |
Reserve Champion | CA Ridley | 1st Shearling Ram (SB) |
Sale Headlines
Supreme Champion at St Johns Chapel from K&HA Ridley, Allenshields sold for the top price of £9,000 to S Taylor, Sheffield.
Leading Prices
E&S Gowland – 1000
G&A Carrick – 1400
W Parker – 2000, 1900 x 2, 1500
J Reed – 2200, 1400
K&SM Johnson – 1200, 1000 x 2
T Hall & Son – 1800, 1700, 1400, 1000
JR Dalton – 2000, 1300
J Pritchard – 1600
WD&B Thompson – 1400
W Watson – 1300
A Lee – 1800 x 2, 1200
J Lee – 3000, 1800, 1600
JA&CM Dalton – 2000, 1100
PH McVittie – 1300
JC White – 1400
S&K Emmott – 1600
T Collingwood & Sons – 1600, 1250, 1100
B&E Collingwood – 1250
L Smith & Co – 2800, 2000, 1800, 1200
MJ Lee – 5300, 4400, 3600, 3400, 3200, 2200 x 2, 1300 x 2, 1100
D Humble – 2200 x 2, 1500
JL Archer – 2000, 1800
K&HA Ridley – 9000
CA Ridley – 1000

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