C District – Friday Shearling Rams – 18 October 2024

18 : 10 : 24

Venue: Kirkby Stephen Auction Mart

Judges: Large Breeders - A Marston & C Rukin, Small Breeders - G Slack & T Bainbridge, Referee - H Hutchinson

Large Breeders Shearling Ram

Placing Exhibitor Lot Number
1st D Humble Lot 533
2nd J&JE Bradley Lot 700
3rd R&H Hird Lot 535
4th Haltcliffe Lot 641
5th E&K Bland Lot 780
6th GE Harker Lot 724

Small Breeders Shearling Ram

Placing Exhibitor Lot Number
1st RJ White Lot 682
2nd R Hallam Lot 577
3rd SA Harker Lot 766
4th AT&A Bainbridge Lot 582
5th RJ Hargreaves Lot 526
6th K Fawcett Lot 614

Best Pair of Shearling Rams

Placing Exhibitor Lot Number
1st J&JE Bradley Lots 700, 699
2nd E&K Bland Lots 780, 781

Swaledale Champions

Category Exhibitor Animal


  • Lot 519 from R Hargreaves has sold for £18,000 to F&MP Allinson, West Briscoe.
  • Lot 526 from RJ Hargreaves has sold for £12,000 to Richard Pedley, Oak Tree & M/s Parkinson, Hareden.
  • Lot 561 from M/s Beckwith has sold for £16,000 to W Richardson & Son.
  • Lot 571 from P Hallam has sold for £11,000 to M/s Walker, Brennand.
  • Lot 636 from JE Cowperthwaite sold for £18,000 to R Hutchinson & Sons and F&MP Allinson & Son.
  • Lot 642 from C Ridley, Haltcliffe has sold for £14,000 to R Hargreaves & R Harker, Grayrigg Hall.
  • Lot 659 from EJ&RJ Wear has sold for £10,000 to M/s Cowperthwaite, Stockdale.
  • Lot 664 from EJ&RJ Wear has sold for £15,000 to JW&M Buckle, Bleathgill and Alan Alderson.
  • Lot 676 from JC White has sold for £18,000 to M/s Lightfoot & J Tully.
  • Lot 678 from JC White has sold for £15,000 to M/s Ridley, Woodhall.
  • Lot 682, Reserve Champion from RJ White sold for £12,000 to AJ Mason, Oddacres.
  • Lot 724 from GE Harker sold for £32,000 to F Raine, Stanhope Gate.
  • Lot 780 from E&K Bland sold for £25,000 to M/s Lightfoot & F&MP Allinson.
  • Lot 782 from E&K Bland has sold for £10,000 to S&D Robinson.
  • Lot 783 from E&K Bland has sold for £15,000 to J Pritchard.

Leading Prices at Kirkby Stephen Day 3:

N Richardson 3000
T Robinson & Son 8000
A Makepeace 1200
G Harker & Son 3000, 1200
W&NL Baines 1000
R Hargreaves 18000 2000, 1000, 1800
RJ Hargreaves 12000
C Nelson & Son 3000, 1800, 2200, 1100
D Humble 7000 (Champion), 3800
Breck House Enterprises 3800
JR Addison & Sons 2500, 1200
J&SJ Bland 9000
R&H Hird 2000, 3800
M/s Beckwith 4200, 3500, 5000, 16000 3500, 1000, 1500, 1200, 1000
P Hallam 11000 5000
S Hallam 8000
R Hallam 7000, 3000, 1800, 1600
AT&A Bainbridge 3000
R&E Cowperthwaite 3500, 3000
M/s Hutchinson, Bridge Farm House 1600
S Hutchinson 1000
DC&KL Hutchinson 1200, 1000, 1200
WM Hutchinson & Sons 2000, 1200
K Fawcett 2000
JM&S Tennant 1100, 1400
M/s Folder 1400, 1200, 1500
RW Waugh 5500, 1000
JE Cowperthwaite 18000 3500, 1500, 2200, 1000
Haltcliffe 14000
W Watson 3200, 2200
AW Watson 1200
JW Porter & Sons 3500
SW Porter 1500
EJ&RJ Wear 10000 15000 8000, 3000, 6500, 3000, 5500, 1200, 1500
JC White 15000 2500 18000 2000, 3000
RJ White 12000 2200, 1800
J White 1800
JH Pedley 1200
Todd & Angus 2500
J&JE Bradley 8000, 4500
S Bell & Sons 1800
WC Porter & Son 1200
GE Harker 32000 6500, 9000, 2000
A Dixon 1500
DJ&S Dixon 1100
JP Lee 3000
GJ&ME Walker 2000
J Allison &Sons 5000, 1000
RS&BA Harker, Overthwaite 3200, 9000, 1500, 7000, 1200
SA Harker 5500
J&SE Bainbridge 2200, 1800
K&HA Ridley 3500
E&K Bland 25000 6000 10000 15000 1200, 1500
M&EM Wilson 2200, 1800
CW&Y Dixon & Son 1200
KM&CJ Curwen 3500
GL Hutton 1500, 1000, 1000
G Calvert, Pry House 1200
LM Staley 1000
TB Staley 1200
RJ&RS Airey 1800
M&S Sunter 1400


Kirkby Stephen Day 3 averages:
233 Shearling Rams averaged £2612.23

490 av. £2556.96 (-£49.29)

Official photos to follow.


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