B District – Thursday 24 October 2024
24 : 10 : 24
Venue: Hawes Auction Mart
Judges: Large Breeders Shearling Rams - G Dalton & R Hird, Small Breeders Shearling Rams - R Hallam & T Eccles, Conformation - A Graham
Large Breeders Shearling Ram
Placing | Exhibitor | Lot Number |
1st | W Richardson & Son | Lot 422 |
2nd | PE&KA Sowerby | Lot 352 |
3rd | W Richardson & Son | Lot 419 |
4th | Haltcliffe | Lot 428 |
5th | DC&KL Hutchinson | Lot 450 |
6th | MR Ewbank | Lot 380 |
Small Breeders Shearling Ram
Placing | Exhibitor | Lot Number |
1st | GC Coates | Lot 364 |
2nd | SA Harker | Lot 530 |
3rd | JR&J Gorst | Lot 534 |
4th | B Thomas | Lot 384 |
5th | I Brown | Lot 544 |
6th | A&B Hutchinson | Lot 463 |
Best Conformation Shearling Ram
Placing | Exhibitor | Lot Number |
1st | R Walton | Lot 510 |
2nd | JS Cloughton | Lot 474 |
3rd | A&B Hutchinson | Lot 463 |
4th | J&F Nutter | Lot 385 |
Swaledale Champions
Category | Exhibitor | Animal |
SUPREME CHAMPION | W Richardson & Son | Lot 422 |
RESERVE CHAMPION | GS Coates | Lot 364 |
JW Porter Trophy for Best in B District | GS Coates | Lot 364 |
Sale Highlights:
- Lot 304 from A&J Harrison has sold for £10,000 to EJ&RJ Wear.
- Lot 309 from SW Porter has sold for £20,000 to R Harker, R Hargreaves & M/s Lightfoot.
- Lot 387 from RT Tennant has sold for £15,000 to M Lawson, Buddle House.
- Lot 422 Supreme Champion from W Richardson & Son has sold for £28,000 to JW Porter & Sons.
- Lot 419 from W Richardson & Son has sold for £ 16,000 to M Allan, Knock Hall.
- Lot 421 from W Richardson & Son has sold for £12,000 to Grove Farms.
- Lot 420 from W Richardson & Son has sold for £12,000 to WM Hutchinson & Son, Redgate.
- Lot 428 from Haltcliffe has sold for £26,000 to S Bland and J&JE Bradley.
- Lot 528 from RS&BA Harker, Overthwaite has sold for £37,000 to M&EM Wilson.
- Lot 525 from RS&BA Harker has sold for £16,000 to JL Archer & D Humble.
Shearling Ram Leading Prices:
T Robinson & Son 1400
A&J Harrison 10000
SW Porter 20000 9500
WJ Porter 3800
A&TA Blades 1000, 2200, 1000
GJ Scarr 3000, 2800, 1000
JC White 3800, 1800, 2200
TW Hutchinson 2500
BR Fawcett 1600, 1800, 1200, 1200
R&H Hird 1200
PE&KA Sowerby 4000, 1500
GS Coates 8000
AM Brennand & Son 1000
P Ewbank 1400, 2000, 1600, 1000
M Ewbank 2800, 5000, 1600, 2500
B Thomas 1400
RT Tennant 15000
C Nelson & Son 1200
MR&LE Rukin 8000, 6500, 2500, 1800, 1200
J Nelson & Son 3800
W Richardson & Son 28000 Champion, 16000, 12000, 12000
J Richardson 2800
AD Richardson 1000
Haltcliffe 26000 1600
EW Atkinson 1200, 1400
Messrs Lawson 3200
A&JA Iveson 1500
DC&KL Hutchinson 1400
S Bell & Sons 1400, 1000
S Bentley 1700
J Dixon & Sons 1000
JE Cowperthwaite 3000, 2600, 1300
R Walton 2000
F&MP Allinson 2200, 3200, 2200
M Allinson 3000
RS&BA Harker, Overthwaite 37000, 16000, 2200, 4400, 3800
SA Harker 4000
G Harker & Son 2000
I Brown 7500
D&M Brown 5000
J&SJ Bland 1200, 1600
Hawes Day 2 averages:
154 Shearling rams averaged £2562.66
Official photos to follow.

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